The electoral commission of UDS Tamale campus has officially opened nominations for the various SRC/NUGS portfolios. It came with mixed feelings. Many are happy that finally, nominations have been opened. On the other hand, most students are outraged especially with regards to the cost of the nomination forms. I'm equally outraged and worried as well. Aren't you? . The issue of how campaigns are financed in UDS, in Ghana, Africa and the Word at large has always been a cause for concern. It is quite disturbing that students spend huge sums of money to attain the leadership of NUGS/SRC. WIKIPEDIA defines Campaign Finance as "all funds raised to promote candidates, political parties, or policy initiatives and referenda" The question that begs for answers needs serious attention is how these monies are accrued and how they are going to be refunded.
How are campaigns sponsored/financed on our campus? Obviously, personal income is the first point of call when you are thinking about funding your own campaign but it is worth noting that students take loans from friends and family and even to the extent of taking loans from banks to fund their campaigns. I have had the privilege of listening to past Executives of NUGS/SRC, I was astonished as they mentioned the amount of money they spent on their campaign trails. The question that boiled my brain was "how did you refund it"? I didn't ask though. It is so disturbing to think about. Mind you, these monies are actually refunded when they assume power. Which money is used to do the refunding? Me and you. That should tell that there's something seriously wrong with the system.
Let's come to the" How". How are these monies refunded? Obviously, through systemically churning out inflated and ballooned budgets so that the extra monies will be diverted in to individual pockets or probably used to settle debts. True or false? That is a serious challenge we are facing in our electoral system. We can't completely blame them. Is the system.
Without mincing words, spending so much on campaigns prepares the grounds for gargantuan corruption. Monies spent has to be refunded. Not only the corruption, the expensive nature of the electoral process has a suffocating effect on democracy. What it actually means is that only a few can go for such positions though many might have the will and vision to effect change but for financial constraints, are not given the chance. Moreover, in a democratic setting, the size of your wallet should not determine the impact of your voice or your right to representation.
It will be useless to criticize without suggesting or finding solutions to this problem. How do you suggest this problem be solved? My suggestion; the system has to change. We need to have a paradigm shift. As a student, I wouldn't endorse door to door campaigns, I wouldn't endorse providing transportation for students to come for the election, I wouldn't endorse spending so much on posters and flyers because these are the very things that makes the campaigns so expensive. Cutting down on some of these things will actually help us a lot in terms of the monies we spend on campaigns. As I will always say, we have leaders but we lack leadership. There's a serious problem with UDS. From the Administration down to the security rooms, things are not working the way they should. There's a systemic failure. Things that are supposed to be done are not done and no one is held accountable. Sadly, student leaders do not have the balls to fight for the students body. Other than that, the electoral commission wouldn't have to charge so much for nomination forms. They would have been well established and financed to run elections without having to charge exorbitant fees.
Moving forward, perhaps we should consider paying the SRC Executives. I'm aware they are entitled to some allowances but as to whether it is sufficient, I can't tell. It is high time we stop this pretence. Though students leaders come with the aim of working, I'm not sure they are ready to do charity work not after spending so much to attain power. Perhaps a well structured allowance for them will help save huge sums of monies from vanishing like Castro did: without a trace.
These are my thoughts.
Thank you!!
My brother, u just nailed it