Saturday 25 February 2017


  Information reaching me from a reliable source indicates that the prices allotted to the various nomination forms of the various SRC/NUGS portfolios have not been approved by the  General Assembly. What it therefore means is that, the prices we have seen circulating social media is false and who ever is behind it is not a serious person and should be brought to order. I'm not sure the SRC President has endorsed this propaganda. If he has, then it is a shame and an indictment on the General Assembly and the whole student body at large. It not accepted anywhere. Well, this also borders on the effectiveness of the General Assembly. As it stands now, I do not know and I'm sure many  do not know their GA representatives. Is the General Assembly dead or they have become old men and women with no teeth to bite?

  As I clearly stated in the article I wrote on Campaign finance being a recipe for corruption, I still maintain a strong believe that there's no reasonable reason why students should pay exorbitant amounts just to purchase nomination forms. Kaman how? What is the rationale behind such prices. Every year, prices of forms keep increasing. Why? It is time not to only challenge the status quo but to change it. We came and met it that way doesn't mean we should continue in that direction. It would have been quite understandable, it we were still using the manual system, where ballot papers have to be printed and huge sums of monies have to be spent on other election materials but that is not the case. We are using the E-system. The benefits of using the E- system is to make things easier, faster and cheaper. So if prices are still going up with the E-sytem, then there's Something awfully wrong some where.

  The information I'm also picking up from the ground indicates that the SRC will be holding a general meeting today, obviously to deliberate on some of these pertinent issues. I encourage all students who have interest in such matters though aren't G.A representatives to follow the due process and they would be allowed to participate in the deliberations. My ask is that the The G.A of SRC should follow the footsteps of the most vibrant association on campus (MELSSA), as in their last general meeting, they unanimously agreed to significantly slash the prices of their nomination forms even though forms where already sold ( so, monies will be refunded). There's nothing wrong if the prices of the forms are lower than last year's. Moreover, I believe the SRC has the resources to conduct these elections without charging a penny for nomination forms. My ask is that members of the General Assembly should do everything in their power to reduce significantly, the prices of these forms for the good of UDS Tamale campus.

  I will end by saying as I said in my earlier publication that the huge sums of money we spend on election as students prepares the grounds for gargantuan corruption.
Thank you!!
These are my thoughts!!!

Thursday 23 February 2017


  The electoral commission of UDS Tamale campus has officially opened nominations for the various SRC/NUGS portfolios. It came with mixed feelings. Many are happy that finally, nominations have been opened. On the other hand, most students are outraged especially with regards to the cost of the nomination forms. I'm equally outraged and worried as well. Aren't you? . The issue of how campaigns are financed in UDS, in Ghana, Africa and the Word at large has always been a cause for concern. It is quite disturbing that students spend huge sums of money to attain the leadership of NUGS/SRC. WIKIPEDIA defines Campaign Finance as "all funds raised to promote candidates, political parties, or policy initiatives and referenda" The question that begs for answers needs serious attention is how these monies are accrued and how they are going to be refunded.
How are campaigns sponsored/financed on our campus? Obviously, personal income is the first point of call when you are thinking about funding your own campaign but it is worth noting that students take loans from friends and family and even to the extent of taking loans from banks to fund their campaigns. I have had the privilege of listening to past Executives of NUGS/SRC, I was astonished as they mentioned the amount of money they spent on their campaign trails. The question that boiled my brain was "how did you refund it"? I didn't ask though. It is so disturbing to think about. Mind you, these monies are actually refunded when they assume power. Which money is used to do the refunding? Me and you. That should tell that there's something seriously wrong with the system.

Let's come to the" How". How are these monies refunded? Obviously, through systemically  churning out inflated and ballooned budgets so that the extra monies will be diverted in to individual pockets or probably used to settle debts. True or false? That is a serious challenge we are facing in our electoral system. We can't completely blame them. Is the system.

Without mincing words, spending so much on campaigns prepares the grounds for gargantuan corruption. Monies spent has to be refunded. Not only the corruption, the expensive nature of the electoral process has a suffocating effect on democracy. What it actually means is that only a few can go for such positions though many  might have the will and vision to effect change but for  financial constraints, are not given the chance. Moreover, in a democratic setting, the size of your wallet should not determine the impact of your voice or your right to representation.

It will be useless to criticize without suggesting or finding solutions to this problem. How do you suggest this problem be solved? My suggestion; the system has to change. We need to have a paradigm shift. As a student, I wouldn't endorse door to door campaigns, I wouldn't endorse providing transportation for students to come for the election, I wouldn't endorse spending so much on posters and flyers because these are the very things that makes the campaigns so expensive. Cutting down on some of these things will actually help us a lot in terms of the monies we spend on campaigns. As I will always say, we have leaders but we lack leadership. There's a serious problem with UDS. From the Administration down to the security rooms, things are not working the way they should. There's a systemic failure. Things that are supposed to be done are not done and no one is held accountable. Sadly, student leaders do not have the balls to fight for the students body. Other than that, the electoral commission wouldn't have to charge so much for nomination forms. They would have been well established and financed to run elections without having to charge exorbitant fees.

  Moving forward, perhaps we should consider paying the SRC Executives. I'm aware they are entitled to some allowances but as to whether it is sufficient, I can't tell. It is high time we stop this pretence. Though students leaders come with the aim of working, I'm not sure they are ready to do charity work not after spending so much to attain power. Perhaps a well structured allowance for them will help save huge sums of monies from vanishing like Castro did: without a trace.
These are my thoughts.
Thank you!!

Monday 20 February 2017

Let's go Back

Lagfu Writes
Let's go Back

My Generation
We all about the money
We all about the club
And the club beer
Our purpose of life has become vague
We sit and while away the most precious commodity, Time
My heart aches, my heart burns and stomach burns
When I see the lawlessness
The disrespect and the insanity
I shudder to think, are we really the future?
Full of rich thieves and corrupt leaders
Our degrees becomes dread locks
Our dreams, dreaded In locks
Fathers are worshiping daughters
Mothers worshipping sons
The poor are ridiculed and deemed outcast
My heart aches for my Generation

Get drunk and get fucked
The youth are getting wasted
Truth has been murdered in broad day light
We hail the wrongs and are silent on the right
Dishonesty has become abundant like the blue skies
Hard work pays no more
Thievery and deceit takes the honors
My heart aches for my Generation

Where lies the solution?
Sankofa ; let's go back
Let's go back to the ancient words of the wise
Let's learn from the lessons of Nelson Mandela
Let's go back to the ancient words of our forefathers
Let's drink from the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi
Let's go back to the 1957 speech of Nkrumah
He said: "We must change our attitudes and our minds"
Let's go back to the ancient words of the Holy Books
There lies the solutions
I hope there's hope for my generation
Let's go back; sankofa


    I have come across this statement several times especially on social media. The question that always come to mind is" kaman how"? Have you noticed? Anyone who uses this statement as a caption to a picture is either half naked or not properly dressed . I have never seen a man dressed in suit and tie or a lady dressed properly using this statement as a caption to his/her picture. Have you? I don't think so. Why? Dressing indecently does not necessarily make you a bad person. But society especially the African and Ghanaian society has strong reservations when it comes to dressing.   The importance of appearance and it's consequences and ramifications in society should not be underestimated. In as much as you do not want to be judged by how you appear, be rest assured that this statement ain't helping.
    As uncomfortable as it may be, the truth is that our lives are under the microscope each and every day. Your appearance will always matter in society and will make impressions on whoever you come across. The saying "appearance can be deceptive" is a perfect testimony of the power of appearance. First impressions are important. Though the character of a person is not written on his/her appearance, nonetheless is it very significant in terms of the perceptions people will form. In most cases, people will not get the opportunity to know you well perhaps by talking with you, so the only information left for the mind to work with is your appearance. Human beings are instinctual. We form perceptions instinctively based on what we see. It is only the Almighty who has the power to see within us. Stop telling people not to judge you by your appearance. It is high time we stop this excuse. Let's accept the fact and deal with it. Appearance though deceptive is very important. A nun dressed like a prostitute will be addressed as such and the vice versa. No two ways about it. If you don't want to be addressed as a prostitute, don't dress as such.
   On other hand, we shouldn't be too judgmental. With the knowledge of the fact that appearance is deceptive, we should leave room in our minds for adjustment of our perceptions. Let's give people the benefit of the doubt.
    In this big data age and 21th century, where personalities are becoming brands, business and institutions, it very important and as a matter of urgency to be careful how we present ourselves to the public. Anytime we walk out minding our own businesses, we are indirectly marketing ourselves. The human being in the metaphysical sense is a "product". And as such product needs to be branded and well marketed. Your appearance is part of your brand. It is imperative to protect that brand. We will always be judged by our appearance. The importance of appearance cannot be downplayed. Why do we spend so much in trying to look presentable when going for an interview? It will be wise to take advantage of this status quo.
    So any time you hear the statement "don't judge me by my appearance" The next question on your mind should be "kaman how"???

I'm an Activist

My pen is a microphone
It has a voice
It shouts
It screams
Let the world hear me
It speaks for the voiceless
It doesn't speak of new things
It speaks of the very things we are afraid to say
It ask questions and begs for understanding
It presents ideas and prepares the grounds for discussions
It doesn't really care about the similes and the metaphors
But the smiles and what it is meant for
Some times, it frightens me
Other times, it astonishes me
It writes for a purpose
My pen believes it can create change
And I believe my pen.
I guess you can call me an ACTIVIST!!

Tuesday 14 February 2017

My Heart Beat

My heart beat
When I see you, my heart beats
I can not tell you how good it feels to look upon you with my own eyes
Your beauty makes me shy
I walk shoulders high with the knowledge of your love for me
The thought of you ignites smiles on my face
It was Love at first sight
As two hearts embraced
I really had the foresight
And proposed to you with all my might
Eyes so bright
Like a spark of light
She illuminates my path
I can no longer withhold,
But express my delight
Hmm, this love is  so right
Mr waiter set a table for two
With a chilled bottle of sobolo and a plate of chicken thighs
Don't forget to light the candles
My love, Tonight is for me and you
In our own little corner, you and I
and the moonlight
We swim in the deep oceans of love
After the dinner
I shall dine in your honey comb
I shall rub you in my hands like Shea Butter
Your lips, so wet and sweet
I shall lick it like aleewa
Your gentle touch, makes me vibrate
Chills runs down my spine
Hmm, today is the day
I shall enter the gated city of pleasure
I fell for her
She held me up
And gave me a seat in her heart
love soo deep
And the bond so strong
She is my world
Today I celebrate you
A lady of confidence
An embodiment of beauty
So innocent, yet so romantic
This love is new
Call me Obama, she is my Michelle.

Tuesday 7 February 2017


My dreams scare me
They give me sleepless nights
Everyone has a motivation
Some are motivated by money
Others are motivated by the word "honey"
Some are motivated by respect
Others are motivated by women
I'm motivated by intelligent people.
I'm motivated by the smiles I see on faces
I'm motivated by the success of others and I'm motivated by the thought of a better society,
a better Country and a better world.
I dream of a new world
A world full of opportunities.
A world where goals can be achieved
A world where the rich remembers the poor
A world where rights are respected
A word where education is not the preserve of the rich
A world where everyone matters
It is our collective responsibility
To make the world a better place
They have done their part
Others too have done their part
Are you doing my part..?
Do your part.
Let's all do our part!!

The Launch Of The 8th SRC Week Celebration

    This is arguably the best program I have attended on campus so far. I must not mince words but say a very big thank you to the SRC for such a wonderful program. A man who is quick to criticize, Should be quick to commend when the need arises else he becomes a hypocrite. I can say comfortably that I'm not a hypocrite.

  Apart from the low turn out at beginning of the program, everything turned out great at the end. The MC was on point. I must confess, H. E DARY BAWA TAMINU, the SRC president of UDS_TlC has mastered the craft of speech delivery. His welcome address was superb and reassuring. It gave me a certain vibe that he might still be able to carry out at least some of the promises he made to student populace.

  The theme "Forging a synergy with the cooperate world to curb graduate unemployment" couldn't have been better especially at this particular point in time where the cry of every discerning graduate is how to get employed. Prof Agnes Apusigah, the Dean of Faculty of Education did justice to the subject matter of theme. She provided extensive knowledge on how this synergy could be forged. She stated quite clearly that the Cooperate world yearns for creativity and innovativeness. Competition has become the normal in today's global world. So it is imperative for the individual to add value to what ever qualification he/she has. Read wide, broaden your horizon. Do not only read materials concerning your profession or field of study. She added.  I enjoyed every bit of her presentation. Her presentation was so insightful and inspirational. May the Almighty bless her with more knowledge and a long life. More grease to her elbows.

  One of my favorite moments of the program was the cultural performance and the  poetry recital. As an indigen of Dagbon, I got goose bumps as I watched the cultural performance. I began to tap my feet. In fact, I almost got up to join the dance but for the formal nature of the program, I had to keep my cool. It was a marvelous sight to behold.

  To the poetry recital: to be honest, I can't coin words to describe the feeling I had. I don't know whether I should called it an ecstasy or an intellectual orgasm. There's something about poetry, it not just about the words but the emotions behind those words. The meticulousness involved in beautifully crafting words, amazingly  interweaving and interlacing words to make meaning. When they opened their mouths, words filed out like ants in forms and formations, they crafted beautiful sentences that carried powerful messages and ignited smiles on the faces of many. I was just beaming with smiles. I have succeeded in writing a number poems myself but I haven't developed the skill and tactfulness of reciting them. IM SAANI and MALIK, thanks for your beautiful poetry recital.  I bow to you. You made my day!

In a recap, if you didn't make it to the launch of the 8th SRC week celebration for no other important reason, "you have done yourself". I mean you, you have lost. As the MC said "we paid for it" This particular program was intellectually stimulating. Thank you SRC.

Monday 6 February 2017


   I aired my views and concerns on the SRC week celebration. Apparently I didn't have all the facts. I met a senior member as I was about to  step into the ICT auditorium for the launch of the week long celebration. Indeed, he had read my earlier publication and took the initiative to explain certain things to me. He wanted to address the concern I raised about the week celebration going on while lectures are also going on. He stated clearly that during the administration of Former SRC president Raphael (2014/15 academic year), a whole week was declared lecture free for the SRC week  celebrations.
      As expected, the biggest problem in UDS prevailed. Apathy was the order of the day. Even without lectures, students didn't show up for programs. It became a vacation for others, they quickly packed their things and went home. He explained. So even with no other engagement, there was a wanton display of lack of interest in the SRC week celebration.  So building on that premise, it is logically not sound  to give another lecture free week for an SRC week celebration because history has the tendency of repeating it self.  In a nutshell, It is our own attitudes that has brought as here. Until we realise that the GPA has limits, this our attitudes might never change. You have to decide and be committed to programs that will help in your overall development. I believe that there's more to life in the University than the lecture room. I have made up my mind to attend all the important seminars organized. So should you.

   I work with information at my disposal. If I had this info earlier on, the concerns I raised in my earlier write up would have been different.
Dr SEIDU FITER, I'm grateful for your input.

Sunday 5 February 2017

My Thoughts On The SRC Week Celebration

  Without equivocation, the program line up looks very comprehensive. It is actually what an SRC celebration should be about: both educative and very entertaining, a blend of culture and our traditions, a dose of philanthropy, sporting activities and a climax with thanksgiving (the God factor). Almost all aspects of students life has been factored into the program line up. Whether Muslim, Christian or A Traditionalist, no one has been left out. I'm particularly happy about the fact that some of the events will be hosted by The Faculty of Education. This makes this particular SRC week celebration unique. I must say kudos in advance to the SRC and all those involved in the organization of the SRC week celebration. The program line up looks good on paper but as to whether things will be done well on the D-days, is another issue for my pen.

  On the other hand, it is very disappointing to realize that some students will not be able to to enjoy this wonderful program line up. Two days for a week long celebration? Kaman how? I don't know how things are done at the top but this certainly does not make sense to me: be at lectures while programs organized for you are going waste. It beats my imagination. Going forward, something has to be done about this particular issue. Abaaa!! So much pressure in the lecture room, we shouldn't even relax?

  Another issue worth mentioning: the artistes on the bill. I wonder the consultations the SRC did before arriving on those artistes. How can you put two rappers on a bill? When was the last time Yaa Pono produced  a hit track? After singing to his Amen ooo Amen, what else? Now to Maccasio, after dancing to his 69 fans and Koomi Naachiki, what else. How can you bring such a pair to entertain us? Is it a rap battle? The most annoying part is that it is even a day program. I hate day programs (I'm nocturnal, lol). I'm not an entertainment expert but I wouldn't put up such a program. It is as if the SRC has sworn an oath to always disappoint us. Nnabi SRC, so far, so bad!!! I just hope the budget for this week celebration is not the inflated and ballooned type!!

Thank You!!