Wednesday, 14 June 2017


I'm just wondering, why do you want people to humiliate themselves before you help them? What really does that add to you? I'm tempted to believe that the only worth some people have is when people seek help from them and for that matter anything they will do to make sure you keep asking will be done. That's perhaps the reason why most people will never help you pay your wards school fees but will gladly sponsor your naming ceremony. Is a pity.

Sadly too, there exist another group of people. This particular group of people, I have never wished to encounter in my life. These people in the event of you seeking help from them results in only two outcomes. One, they either help you and "sell you out"  or two, they don't help you at all but still sells you out. We all know or have heard of such people. Perhaps you're one of those people. Anyways, for me, none of these outcomes is appropriate. If you can't/won't help, don't let the problem I shared with you in secrecy become breaking news. I'm just wondering, what at all do people stand to gain by broadcasting the weakness of others? I'm still trying very hard to figure out why people do this. If you won't help a brother, don't sell him out. Why sell him out? The world will be a better place to live if the rich will realize that the Almighty has placed the sustenance of others in their hands. Perhaps this realization will help them act accordingly. May Allah provide for us all.

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