Monday 1 May 2017


     Thank you for giving us the opportunity to celebrate our gallant workers. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to congratulate the men and women who day in day out are working tirelessly to build our dear nation. We appreciate your hard work, your sacrifice and your contribution to the development of our country. M bo!!
    There is a particular group of workers I can't thank enough. This group of workers deserve a standing ovation from every living soul. They work without pay. Their efforts cannot be quantified in monetary terms. Sacrifice and unconditional love is their motto. I'm talking about mothers. Not only those who have been blessed with the fruit of the womb but every woman who has once upon a time assumed the office of motherhood. If forget the word "mothers", you can call them "workers" .                               
    Every manager has ever been managed by a mother and every worker has been worked on by a mother. Can we pay them? I don't think so. Their efforts will be rewarded by the Almighty.
I'm throwing a challenge to every son and daughter, let's make our mothers proud.!!

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