Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Let Us Argue!!

An argument is an intellectual intercourse and only those who truly understand it will enjoy its ecstasy. Arguments are natural. It happens all the time. Argument is the order of the day in the animal kingdom. You see birds twittering, you see dogs barking and you see cats miaowing. What do you think they are doing? More than 50% of the time,  these reactions are indicative of an argument. In fact, I believe that on the journey to the fallopian tube, sperms argue.

We argue basically because we're humans, we have different ideologies, we are working with different information or perhaps we are working with the same information but perceiving and applying it differently. The world would have been soo boring without divergent views, without misconceptions and with arguments. The essence of an argument is to validate or invalidate hypotheses, unfortunately some times it ends up breaking relationships, breaking friendships and to a larger extent causing wars.

Without doubt, the most difficult topics to argue on are politics and religion. This is simply because the presumed effect of "losing"  an argument in these areas holds greater consequences. But we can have healthy arguments or debates especially on the topic of religion, one devoid of insults and provocative language. It is unreasonable for you to expect another person at the end of an argument to say “I see now that you are right.” Arguments never end this way. The purpose of the argument is not to get one’s way, but to express clearly how one feels. People do not accept new information easily, it takes time. Just imagine someone telling you that the religion you have been practicing all your life is a false religion. How do you come to terms with this information? No matter how true or false this assertion is, your immediate reaction  will be that of anger. In as much as we want to "win souls"  for the Lord,  let us do so with caution, with wisdom and with the knowledge that issues concerning beliefs and religion are sensitive matters.

But surely, there are proven ways of having civil and healthy arguments. When we argue, let us do so productively, let's have an open mind, respect divergent views and be tolerant. Know the nitty-gritty of the issues you are talking about. Speak to issues and do not attack personalities. Those who wish to argue should do so with facts and not shouts. Arguing without facts is an exercise in futility. Let us remember that it  is not necessary to argue on irrelevant issues and that there are some particular group of people you should never engage in an argument with because no matter how clear the issues are, they will never agree- please save your time, energy and perhaps your sanity. Arguing is an amazing exercise when done wisely . It yields understanding. Let us dissect and subject issues to proper scrutiny as intellectuals.

Let us argue but let us do so with decorum, wisdom and tolerance. Learn to agree to disagree and live to love.

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