Tuesday 6 December 2016

Let Us Argue!!

An argument is an intellectual intercourse and only those who truly understand it will enjoy its ecstasy. Arguments are natural. It happens all the time. Argument is the order of the day in the animal kingdom. You see birds twittering, you see dogs barking and you see cats miaowing. What do you think they are doing? More than 50% of the time,  these reactions are indicative of an argument. In fact, I believe that on the journey to the fallopian tube, sperms argue.

We argue basically because we're humans, we have different ideologies, we are working with different information or perhaps we are working with the same information but perceiving and applying it differently. The world would have been soo boring without divergent views, without misconceptions and with arguments. The essence of an argument is to validate or invalidate hypotheses, unfortunately some times it ends up breaking relationships, breaking friendships and to a larger extent causing wars.

Without doubt, the most difficult topics to argue on are politics and religion. This is simply because the presumed effect of "losing"  an argument in these areas holds greater consequences. But we can have healthy arguments or debates especially on the topic of religion, one devoid of insults and provocative language. It is unreasonable for you to expect another person at the end of an argument to say “I see now that you are right.” Arguments never end this way. The purpose of the argument is not to get one’s way, but to express clearly how one feels. People do not accept new information easily, it takes time. Just imagine someone telling you that the religion you have been practicing all your life is a false religion. How do you come to terms with this information? No matter how true or false this assertion is, your immediate reaction  will be that of anger. In as much as we want to "win souls"  for the Lord,  let us do so with caution, with wisdom and with the knowledge that issues concerning beliefs and religion are sensitive matters.

But surely, there are proven ways of having civil and healthy arguments. When we argue, let us do so productively, let's have an open mind, respect divergent views and be tolerant. Know the nitty-gritty of the issues you are talking about. Speak to issues and do not attack personalities. Those who wish to argue should do so with facts and not shouts. Arguing without facts is an exercise in futility. Let us remember that it  is not necessary to argue on irrelevant issues and that there are some particular group of people you should never engage in an argument with because no matter how clear the issues are, they will never agree- please save your time, energy and perhaps your sanity. Arguing is an amazing exercise when done wisely . It yields understanding. Let us dissect and subject issues to proper scrutiny as intellectuals.

Let us argue but let us do so with decorum, wisdom and tolerance. Learn to agree to disagree and live to love.

The Youth

The youth:
Do not need fuel to welcome politicians
Do not need money to raid elections
Do not need stipends to make noise on social media
Do not need free airtime to make noise on radio
What the youth really need:
Is a supportive and an enabling environment to develop our potentials.
Real time opportunities to contribute creditably to development issues
A highly effective and practical based educational system
A highly effective Healthcare delivery system that is accessible to all.
Jobs for the graduates and non-graduates alike.
Potable drinking water for our people
Peace and security
A new dawn is coming!!!
We shall no longer sit and fold our arms.


The ‘Terrorists of UDS, The ‘terrorists of UDS, The ‘terrorists of UDS.
Who are they?
I’m not the hypocrite to tell you.
You all know them.
In fact, they know themselves.
They terrorize us day and night.
They linger on our minds daily.
What is their problem?
What do they even want from us?
They terrorize us everywhere;
From the largest lecture room to the smallest cubicles on campus.
They wake us up from our sweet wet dreams.
Oohhh ALLAH!!!
From dusks to dawn we are being terrorized by the terrorists.
They politely and skillfully sneak into our cubicles.
I hear the pip pip on my phone.
When I check, messages from the terrorists.
Who are these campus terrorists?
They are those who gave you your first congratulatory message on your admission on whatsapp.
Hmmm, where did they get the contact numbers?
They are those with the fake suits,  shoes and glasses.
They are those who added you the numerous groups on whatsapp.
They kill our phone batteries using the capable hands of whatsapp.
Ooooiii not to talk of our data bundles.
They smile toooo much, they greet tooo much.
They are tooo nice to people.
What is their problem??
What do they want??
They say they want to speak for the students.
They say they want to represent the students.
They say they want to represent the “best” interest of the students.
Perhaps, they are being truthful and sincere.
May be they really care about the interests of the students.
May be they just want to be popular and famous.
May be they want to enrich themselves. I learnt there is money involved.
May be they just want to be the bosses and feel good.
Or maybe they want to take all the girls.
Your guess is good as mine!!!!
January 2016


Politics is like a piece of technology and as such can be used for good or for destruction. As we go into the elections, let us remember that we have soo many dreams to live, soo much love to share and soo much more to accomplish.The Kings and Queens, the aged, children, royals and commoners alike are crying for peace. Let us learn how to agree to disagree. Let us demonstrate our sense of responsibility. Let us be each other's keepers not killers. And let us remember that there's no way to peace, peace is the way.
© Salifu Muhammad Lagfu

Monday 5 December 2016

An Open Letter To MLS.D 100

I bring you warm felicitations from the camp of Lagfu. With a joyous heart,
i congratulate on this ceremonious day. This day you have officially become
students of this noble institution-University For Development Studies.
This is a historic and a heyday in your journey to greatness. You have
been matriculated. what an achievement. Kudos!! This letter basically
seeks to expound or address certain issues and to a larger extent, to serve
as an inspiration. This piece is a product of my observations and personal
interactions i have had with the freshmen and fresh women of MLS.D

     Without prevarication, i want to state emphatically that you have found
your utopia in MLS.D. Yes, there are some issues surrounding the profession
but be rest assured  that those issues will be surmounted. A friend of mine remarked
"the program is boring, i feel like i'm still in S.H.S. The courses we are doing right
now do not stimulate any enthusiasm in me. I don't even feel like going for lectures".
I know many of you feel this way but believe me, this is just the prelude. Just the warm-up,
the main match is ahead. Just relax and sharpen your axes, you have bigger trees to fell.
In fact those who take these particular courses seriously will enjoy intellectual and academic
ecstasies in the years to come. Relax!!
Another fact worth mentioning is that in life there are vicissitudes and contingencies and our
ability to metamorphosize, have a paradigm shift and a renewal of mind and of purpose will be of
utmost importance in such circumstances which will invariably determine the outcomes
of our lives. What do i mean? Many of you unfortunately did not plan to pursue MLS.D but fortunately
by the grace and mercies of the Almighty you are here. You are blessed to be in MLS.D. Be grateful for that.
Be proud of it. Your profession is the the backbone of the healthcare delivery system, enjoy it. MLS.D shouldn't
become a den of disappointed Medical Doctors. Develop passion for the profession because you are in the right place.
Believe me, MLS.D is intellectually and academically stimulating!!

     What are you here for? Are you here for only the degree? These are the questions i asked myself when i got
admission to this institution. The answer was a big NO. I want  more than a degree. The degree will not be
enough for me. There are so many people with degrees. I am not only here for the degree. I want a holistic experience.
What i'm trying to say is that, do not limit yourselves. Consider this as a fresh start in life. The time to develop yourselves
for the future. Broaden your horizon, do not confine yourselves, spread your wings. Do not try to live exaggerated lifestyles.
Try to be different. Be a universal person, do not be a robot. Exploit the opportunities the university presents. Be abreast with
the happenings on campus. Take advantage of the leadership positions on campus, empower yourselves. Be interested in the politics
on campus. The biggest problem in UDS is apathy, do not be a part of this problem. There is a saying that "when you believe in yourselve,
the world becomes beautiful". Be different, try to make an impact where ever you go. Leave a legacy behind because that is all you will be remembered for.
I leave you with these words "be the change you wish to see in the world!!

Yours faithfully!!!
Dedicated to Alhassan Bilkiss (MLS.D 100)