Monday 21 August 2017


Fellow developers, don't let the headlines get into your head. Take your time and analyze the issues. I hope I'm not too late in the "increment in school fees" discourse. Sadly, my immune system was compromised but thankfully, I'm now comfortably soothing in the bosom of good health.

Let me put it on record, I have no shred of doubt that our student leaders will be able to handle this matter to the best of their abilities though their best might not be best for the majority of students - history has my back on this, sadly.

Let me wage in. To the real issues, let's for just a minute assume that the fees we have been asked to pay is justifiable. Let us for a minute assume that there's nothing wrong with the fees, nothing fishy is going on and that we truly deserve to pay those amounts. What then? What are we going to do if all negotiations and demonstrations (as many have suggested) prove futile? Are we only just asking for our fees to be reduced? The public outcry is loud enough but we need to ask the right questions perhaps it will trigger the right solutions. Whether it is increased or reduced, how do we make sure that the monies we pay are used for its intended purposes so that we don't end up using SRC dues to shoulder the responsibilities of the school management - isn't that what we have been doing? Don't you think that should be our concern? Enough with the rhetorics, let me submit my suggestions.

I have heard whispers that SRC will meet the administration. I don't know what they are going to do. If the Administration can increase fees without the consent of SRC, then I wonder the importance of the latter. Well, this buttresses the fact that "fee negotiations" is nothing but a hoax. Anyways, there's no harm in making suggestions.
My dear SRC, please seek clarification for us. We need transparency and effective communication on this matter. There's no effect without cause. Why the increment? - please find out for us. I'm sure that's exactly what you're going to do but I just have to put it on record.

Whether the fees is reduced or maintained, please demand that the components or breakdown of the fees be published on the school's website or any other means that will make it VERY accessible. That document shouldn't be something one has to suffer to get. Make sure that the document is very accessible and not that unnecessary bureaucracy they have kept in place. UDS is a service provider and we're its customers, I think we deserve to know what we're paying for. School fees comprises of so many components. We deserve to know "how much" we are paying for "what". If I know what I'm paying for, I will know what to demand for. The breakdown of the fees will make it easy for SRC to explain and even make it more easier for students to understand. These are my views.
Thank you.

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