Thursday 30 March 2017


  Matters of constitutionality and legality cannot be discussed without reference to a constitution. I will make reference to the UDS MELSSA CONSTITUTION as I advance my argument.

   On Friday, March 3, 2017, the General Assembly of MELSSA constituted a 5-member Audit committee to audit the account(s)  of MELSSA and to report to the House in accordance with article 6(i)(a), 6(i)(c), and 12(ii)(c) of the Constitution. The Committee had its first meeting on March 4, 2017 and later submitted its budget to the outgoing MELSSA EXECUTIVES but that budget has not been granted. Notwithstanding that, the Committee diligently continued its work. The committee sent invitation letters to the outgoing Executives (thus the president, Financial Secretary, Health Officer and PRO) inviting them to a meeting in order for them to to give clarifications to some parts of the financial statements but none except the PRO turned up.

  It is worth noting that, It is the responsibility of the out going administration to cooperate fully with the Audit committee in order ensure a smooth transition of government. The outgoing president and his executives are supposed help the Audit committee by giving them all the necessary information in order for them to carry out their duty as mandated by the Constitution. This has not been done. Why?

   From my checks, the Audit committee Chair wrote to the outgoing president on March 28, 2017, requesting for a General Assembly meeting  to enable the committee inform the House about its findings (which is very constitutional) but the president disabused the idea. I was therefore surprising and worrying to see a circular informing students of a handing over ceremony to be held on the 31st of March, 2017, when the Audit Committee have not completed their work. And from the information I gathered, the Executives elect were not even informed before that circular was released.

   I believe this is a deliberate constitutional error and a clear violation of the very constitution the president swore an oath to defend. With no malice intended, I draw inspiration from the oath of allegiance I took as a General Assembly member of UDS MELSSA to defend the Constitution at all times.

   It is very important for us to understand that the Audit committee in this particular instance is a similitude of a transition team though it is independent. It is supposed to know how much the Association has in it coffers, the assets the Association has acquired and how much they spent in doing so and to provide answers to questions in the financial statements. How can you hand over, If such important details have not been provided?  What then are you handing over?

    With reference to the following provisions of the UDS MELSSA CONSTITUTION

12(i) An Audit Committee shall audit the Association's Accounts each administrative year before the handing over ceremony.

12(ii)b. The Audit committee shall present its report at least two (2) weeks before the Handing over ceremony.

c. The Audit committee shall report directly to the General Assembly.
d. The Audit committee shall be responsible to the Senate

e. Copies of the Audit report shall be made available on the notice board and to the various classes at least ten (10) days before a General Assembly meeting is specifically called for a formal presentation by the Audit Committee, deliberation and subsequent acceptance or rejection by the General Assembly" is obvious that the proposed Handing over ceremony is in clear violation of the Constitution and therefore unlawful. ( I'm not a judge though..)

   My suggestion is that the proposed handing ceremony be postponed or a General Assembly meeting be convened today (30th, March, 17) to discuss the Audit Committee findings before the handing over ceremony comes off on the 31th of March, 17.
Thank you!!
Wumpini Lagfu
( MELSSA G.A Representative, MLS.D 200)

Monday 13 March 2017


Indeed, this will go down history as one of the most keenly contested elections in MELSSA. The electioneering period was an interesting and wonderful one. I enjoyed every bit of the process. In life, some times we win, other times we learn. I believe this election was a learning experience for some of us. At the end of the day, I believe every contestant has become a better person.

First of all, I want to thank the Almighty Allah for bringing this electioneering process to a successful end. I would also thank each and every one who came out to vote for me. May the almighty bless you all. Special thanks also goes to Mohammed Adam and Hebatullah Haroon for their undying love and support. I'm highly grateful. And to every one who in diverse ways supported me, may the good Lord bless us all.

I will not hesitate but to congratulate all the elected executives of MELSSA. My heartfelt congratulations goes to Hon AWUNI on his election as the president of MELSSA. Special congratulations to my assistant Course rep for being elected as the vice president of MELSSA. She worked tirelessly and the good lord crowned her efforts with victory. She won against all odds. No one deserves it better than her. In fact, Barnie you're a heroine. Congratulations to all the other Executives who were elected. May you all work for the "greaterment" and betterment of MELSSA.

As I always say, the development of MELSSA is our collective responsibility. Let's all rally behind the executives to move MELSSA to greater heights. All hands on deck. At the end of the day, I believe MELSSA won and the will of Allah prevailed.
Thanks you all for voting!!
Long live MELSSA
Long live UDS
Long live GHANA.

Thursday 2 March 2017


  For far too long, we the students of the University For Development Studies have been taken for granted, we have been disrespected, we have been deceived and we have not been given what is due us as students. We have leaders but we lack leadership. We have bootlickers as leaders. Leaders without 'balls'. Our leaders are not serving our interests. There's so much uselessness and insanity in the system. Simple, simple issues cannot be solved. It is so pathetic. But I believe there's hope. I can see a wind of monumental change blowing through the political scene on campus. A wind of resistance, a wind of hope and an awareness of our importance as students. As I always say, we as students are the most important part of this institution and the moment we begin to behave as such, the sooner our problems will be solved.

  It is on this very note that I declare my support for the on going crusade the level 100s are currently manning. They have decided to boycott the impending SRC/NUGS elections and all matters relating to it until the souvenirs they PAID for in CASH are provided. So right now, no 'candidate' ('candidates' vying for SRC/NUGS portfolios) is allowed to campaign in any of the level 100 classes.  Not only that, they are pursuing other channels like petitioning the SRC President and considering other legal actions in an effort to be given what they dully deserve. Eighty-five cedis per head is not a joke and more to the point, these monies were paid directly to the SRC, so the usual bureaucracy in getting funds from the Administration is not in play. So what then is the problem now? Mr SRC President, why haven't you provided the level 100s the souvenirs they paid for? Hmm, in fact, I cannot hide my joy. I'm very happy such a thing is happening on this campus, it means students are showing interest in how they are governed. I must say that #Nosouvinirsnoelection is a legitimate course and I am totally in support of it. It is high time we stand and fight for our rights. No more apathy. We shall no Longer sit and fold our arms. We are ever ready to hold our leaders accountable. The nonsense is too much. I therefore appeal to all the student body and more especially the level 100s, to fully support this course. Let us unite and fight for our rights. We deserve better.

#Nosouvinirsnoelection is a worthy course to support!!
Thank you.!!