Tuesday, 24 January 2017

The Election Series

Episode 1

... Talks about the Electoral Commission. The body mandated to conduct elections on campus. Its composition and who qualifies to be a member of the Commission as stipulated by the SRC constitution.

Article 21 talks about the Composition and Functions of the Electoral Commission and Article 22 talks about how independent the operations of The Electoral Commission should be.

Let's explore and learn. Your comments, questions and suggestions are welcomed!!



a) There shall be an Electoral Commission of the the SRC which shall consist of;
i) Electoral Commissioner
ii) Two Deputies;
iii) One Representative from each year group

b) A person shall not be qualified to be a Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the Commission unless he is qualified to be elected or appointed as a member of the Executive Committee.

c) The commission shall be responsible for conducting all SRC sponsored elections as well as the election of representatives of various year groups to the General Assembly of the SRC in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and/or any other resolution of the General Assembly.

d) Without prejudice to article 26 of this constitution,  the Commission shall make rules and/or regulations for the exercise and execution of its functions; to wit, conduct of the elections.

e)  The Commissioner shall exercise supervisory jurisdiction over the conduct of all SRC elections.
f) The out-going Electoral Commissioner shall hand over to the Electoral Commissioner designate within seven (7) days after his appointment.

Except as provided in this Constitution, in the performance of its functions, the Electoral Commissioner shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority.