Monday 21 August 2017


WASSCE is one of the biggest hurdles in our educational system. It grants or denies you the permission to continue to a Tertiary institution after Senior High School. Which is a big deal for most people. There's a lot of prestige in being able to make it into a Tertiary institution though of late graduate unemployment is gradually changing the narrative. So being able to sail through WASSCE successfully whether you made it once or after several attempts should be a feat you should hold in high esteem. It not easy for many. We all know how frustrating it can be.

With that said, this piece focuses on the period after WASSCE till you get admissions into your institutions of choice. It usually takes about a year for the transition from SHS to the Tertiary institutions. What do you do with that time? For many, it is just a free period with nothing much to do - just sleeping, eating and 'shitting' . Only a select few are able to use this period very productively. How do you make maximum use of this free period?

To those who belong to the "eat, sleep, shit" category, you have to understand that time is of essence. The clock is ticking, it ain't gonna wait for you. Eating and sleeping won't get you to your goals. You have to understand that there's a price to pay in order to achieve your goals. Of course, this price comes in different shapes and forms but self/personal development is pivotal. The earlier you start, the better.

My dear SHS graduates who don't have the slightest idea of what they are going to with this free period, my first suggestion to you is to read, read and read. This is the time for you to read. Spend considerable amount of time reading. You have the opportunity to read at your own pace, no pressure and no thought of examination. You have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to what to read but for the fact that you're transitioning in to the Tertiary level, I suggest you read articles and books centered around career choices and opportunities because most often than not the courses we pursue at the Tertiary institutions eventually becomes our professions or careers. Do extensive research on the course you want to pursue and make sure you're right for it. A wrong choice of course of study can ruin your life - be careful. The system is very fragile.

My second suggestion to you is to find an ICT center and enroll. It is a great idea when you look at it critically. Information Technology is taking over, having a considerable knowledge about it will boost your credentials. It is a good idea even if you're already conversant with I.T, having a certificate in some selected areas won't be bad especially if you compare it with doing nothing. Besides, you will need it a lot in the Tertiary level. There are a lot you can do with this free period but I would recommend taking a course at an ICT center. If you can't afford it, please learn from family and friends who are good at it. Believe me, I know many people in the university who not know how to save a word document, don't let it be you. It usually takes three months to finish and get a certificate. I was lucky: had the opportunity to attend a computer school when I was in primary six and it has helped me a lot. You just need the basis, from there you can learn on your own.

In a nutshell, read read and read. Also ask to be enrolled in one of those ICT centers, in fact it will show your parents/guardian how serious a student you're and that comes with some benefits. Yeah, there are benefits of being a serious student. Anyways, these are just a suggestions but remember, you're the elevator to your success.
Thank you.