Friday 19 August 2016

How To Use Two Whatsapp Accounts On 1phone

How To Use Two Whatsapp Accounts On 1phone

Perhaps you didn't know it was possible to use two different Whatsapp accounts on one device (android), well, as you sleep, people are working to make things easy for you. hahaha!! To those who didn't know, now you are about to find out!! HOLD ON TIGHT!!

How To Go About it!!

it is pretty simple and easy, just follow these guidelines.First of all, we need a thirty party app to be able to go through with the installation. The app we will be using is called Disa. You can download this app from the Google Play Store and then follow these steps!!

  1. Run the app. It’ll ask you to add service. Simply look for WhatsApp in the list and add it
  2. Install WhatsApp and restart the app. Now follow the instructions and configure the WhatsApp service.
  3. Make sure to use a different number aside the one you currently use. After Successful installation, you’ll have two WhatsApp accounts with different numbers on your phone. JUST like that that and you're done
As simple as ABCD. it is only a #ZUUKU who can't do this, right?!! lol

feel free to leave comments and questions for help or better stillemail me

Wednesday 10 August 2016



They call him "The Mad Doctor of Tamale". He sees 30 new patients a day, and doesn't receive a salary. He houses lepers, HIV/AIDS patients, the physically and mentally disabled and the destitute- all of whom would be otherwise left to die. Dr Abdulai's generous heart towards the destitute has earned him the name "MaD DOCTOR" because it is out of the ordinary for a trained medical practitioner to pursue a non-profitable business since the basic reason most people pursue medicine in this part of the world is to escape poverty. A man of a big heart, a man of purpose and a man of generosity. This man has given all is life to serving the needy, mentally and physically disabled. His selflessness is beyond measure. He believes is love for his patients is a cure. He once said "when you give up, dying can be easy. BUT when you become accepted and feel accepted, dying is difficult!!

I believe that this man really deserves the name "MaD DOCTOR" because he has and still 'Making a Difference' ( MaD) in the north, Ghana and the world at large. No wonder he has won several awards including the Martin Luther King Jr Award For Peace and Social Justice. This man is an inspiration to all!!

He is Dr David Abdulai, the founder of Shekhina clinic (in 1989), located in Tamale, the northern region of Ghana. Dr Choggu ( popular name in Tamale), comes from a poor stricken home. He lost is father to leprosy, and his mother and 10 of his siblings to poverty related illnesses leaving him as the only survivor.

Dr Abdulai graduated from the University of Ghana Medical School in 1979 and began work in the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and 37 Military Hospital.He has noted in countless interviews that he enjoyed the generosity of others growing up. " I know what it meant to suffer" he said. These and his humble beginnings inspired him to move back to the northern part of Ghana with the sole aim of giving back to the society.

Apart from treating patients and housing many in his hospice center, Dr Choggu also has a "Meals-on-Wheels" program. He provides lunch daily to 150 destitute and mentally ill people within a 65-kilometer distance of the clinic. He believes that love for his patients is cure.

 Dr Abdulai's services are funded by donations, including those from the U.S. Department of state and former Ghanaian president Jerry John Rawlings.


Tuesday 9 August 2016

On the journey to success, one is bound to face obstacles!!
Your ability to over come these challenges will to a larger
extent determine how successful you will be.

The good news is that there are so many successful people in our society today hence success is not an impossible venture. Every individual has an inherent desire to succeed in life. This desire has inspired me to research on the KEYS TO SUCCESS!!


  1. Commitment
  2. An Open Mind
  3. Persistence
  4. Flexibility
  5. Faith
  6. Gratefulness
  7. Passion